Homestead Valley Sanitary District

Garbage Service:

HVSD is responsible for solid waste pick up in the community, this includes recycling and composting. Mill Valley Refuse Service has provided these services under contract for many years. The HVSD Board of Directors oversees and approves both the contract and rates charged its residents. The Board approved a 3.54% rate increase at the June 2023 meeting. the new rate sheet can be found by clicking here

HVSD contract with Mill Valley Refuse Service

Mill Valley Refuse Service uses Dual-Stream recycling in an effort to provide a cleaner recycle stream, better control disposal/recylcling costs and provide greater certainty in meeting California waste and recycling goals and mandates. Click on the links below for notices or to visit Mill Valley Refuse Services resources on the recycling issues. If you have comments please email us at:

Notice to residents about proposed Recycling Changes

Mill Valley Refuse Service Recycling Issues

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